Backpacking Hong Kong with Le cousin.. Day 2!


Mohon maaf sebab lamaaaa tak update blog ni.. macam-macam kekangan terjadi setiap kali nak ngadap laptop untuk update entry.. ampunnn ya..

OK! lets continue our journey in Hong Kong Day 2..

Untuk hari kedua ni kitaorang ke HONG KONG DISNEYLAND! ( I am so excited..yeay)
Mana tak excited nya, selama ni tengok cartoon Disney dalam TV je kan, ni dapat tengok real depan mata wey!

Ok.. to Disneyland we go..

How to go to Hong Kong Disneyland?

Kitaorang macam biasa memang akan pilih MTR untuk bergerak dari satu destinasi ke destinasi yang lain.

1.       Dari stesen MTR Tsim Tsa Tsui, korang turun stesen lai King
2.       Tukar train di stesen Lai King. Ambik train yang menghala ke stesen Sunny Bay
3.       Dekat stesen Sunny Bay ni korang WAJIB naik special train untuk ke Disneyland
We bought Disneyland ticket at the airport at HKD479. (I know, it’s cheap right? )

Dekat Disneyland ni at least satu hari suntuk korang kena spend sebab Disneyland ni besar sangat dan terbahagi kepada 7 bahagian;
1.       Main Street USA ; wajib ada dekat sini pukul 3ptg if tak korang akan miss fantasy parade di mana semua Disney characters akan berarak, so manage your time properly ok!
2.       Tomorrowland ; dekat sini ada roller coaster, so boleh jerit puas-puas release tension
3.       Fantasyland ; Sleeping Beauty Castle, Fantasy garden etc
4.       Adventureland ; Ada festival Lion King (BEST! Rasa macam dok Africa) , boleh singgah rumah Tarzan dekat sini.. hehe
5.       Grizzly Gulch ;  Mountain Runaway Mine Cars wajib korang try.
6.       Mystic point ; Garden of Wonders , Mystic manor etc
7.       Toy Story Land (I found my fav Disney character here!) ; Parachute drop , slinky dog, RC Racer (yang ni sapa tak jerit tak tau la)

Before korang masuk Disneyland ni korang wajib dapatkan map Disneyland ni sebab korang kena plan betul-betul bahagian mana korang nak pergi dulu. 

Pasal makanan korang tak payah risau sebab dalam Disneyland ni ada restoren-restoren halal tapi agak mahal la (for me). 
Nasib baik kitaorang ada bawak sikit bekal like roti, milo and biscuits. 
Dah nama pun perut Melayu kan, nak jugak cari nasi. 
So, kitaorang ke Tahitan Terrace. Dekat sini kitaorang makan set nasi ayam dengan set sate. 
To be honest, my throat cannot accept this kind of food. T_T

Berjalan-berjalan jugak tapi tuntutan Allah jangan kita lupa. Untuk solat, korang boleh ke Central Hall dekat depan entrance Disneyland. Kalau dari entrance Central Hall ni ada kat sebelah kiri korang. Just informed the receptionist that you’re going to perform prayer and they will let you in the prayer room. It’s just that you need to perform wudu’ at the toilet beside the hall.

Tips To go to Hong Kong Disneyland

1.       Buy the Disneyland ticket earlier (you can purchase online too)
2.       Get the Disneyland Map before you enter. The map is available at the information counter near the entrance.
3.       Bring an empty bottle for you to go to toilet.
4.       Bring your own prayer map and telekung
5.       Brings some food really can help you in there. ;)

Oh ya! Almost forgot, don’t forget the firecrackers show at 8PM! 
Make sure you get the best spot to enjoy the show.

speaial train you must use to go to Disneyland from Sunny bay station

inside the train

FINALLY, I'm Here!!

all those gifts that can be purchased inside Disneyland

the show begins!!

