Pentingnya Travel Insurance

Assalamualaiukum readers, I'm gonna tell you how important is travel insurance while travelling..

Tak salah nak berjimat tapi keselamatan dan keselesaan time travel kena utamakan. Ramai yang akan excited nak beli tiket flight murah masa tengah promotion tapi ramai yang terlupa nak beli insurance sekali. Tak kira lah insurance dari airline company ataupun insurance dari agent luar..

Setakat yang I travel selama ni jarang beli insurance dari airline company, i prefer to purchase from other insurance agent. I always purchase from AXA travel. kenapa AXA? sebab banyak baca blog-blog travel AXA ni quite easy to purchase, reasonable price, and the coverage pun ok.

I'm not saying that purchase the insurance from airline company is not good, it's just me who prefer to purchase from external party. Sebenarnya airline company pun kerjasama dgn external insurance agent jugak.. ;p

Having insurance makes you more calm during travelling. Korang tak payah risau dah kalau flight delay ke, kena hijack ke, miss connecting flight ke, luggage rosak ke, luggage lambat sampai ke.. bla..bla.. time ni la insurance korang berguna.. Paling penting if anything happens to you while travelling sapa nak tolong support korang nak2 kalau sampai tahap kena pergi hospital semua..dekat Malaysia pun mahal kos perubatan, lagi lah dekat negara orang kan... Nauzubillah...

Banyak ja travel insurance yang korang boleh survey and choose. Maybank, AXA, AIG, Etiqa, etc. Korang kena rajin sikit la buat comparison and choose the best suits your needs. It depends on which country you are travelling, how many days, date of travelling, etc. 

Next post, InsyaAllah, I will post on how I did my claim from AXA due to miss connecting flight.

Till then
